Monday, August 20, 2007


I was wandering what to do when I heard a voice..
"I am Wizard Why of Wazzle Woods."
"You're Wizard Why," I said.
"I don't know, I just am," he replied.
"Oh, I'm Teapot Me and I know why."
"Yes. Pleased to meet you."

"I have travelled from the other side of Wednesday looking for Saturday," he continued "where am I?"
"Monday'" I said.
"Stupid bluddy Monday, I must look for Wednesday more presicely."
"I think it went that way."

"We will meet again," said Wizard Why waving "when we will warble words of wisdom without wandering which way Wednesday went."
"Wonderful," I said.
"Farewell, and remember to always keep your lid on."
"I will Wizard Why."
"Because it's good advice, that's why."

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Float On

I have a dream. it is a dream I've had since i can remember and it keeps happening like this...

...the circles are here... they're opening... ...go..

...through the circles...

..get out the f***ing way... to the other side...

..i see a tiger...

...oh... it's a potato... shoes on...


..float... .. float on...

float... ....take my hand...

..let me take you to a love land...

....float... .....float on...

....let me show you... how sweet it can be...

........sharing your love ......with Larry...


...........float on...



.........WHO THE F*** IS LARRY....



Friday, August 17, 2007


i am from the other side of the teapot, right around the bend, where a parallel teapot universe exists made of branches and other things. it's very important and *yawwwn* I have to.. i forget what it is *yyawwwwwn* i do but it happens anyway *yyyyawwwwwwn*


zz zzzz